Purpose of the project:
The aim of the project is to make better use of corn grain, as well as to extend the life of a wet cake and to obtain enriched cereal bran – a new product on the feed components market.
Protein enrichment technology will be developed on a pilot scale, including wet cake and bran and is associated with the extraction of some polysaccharides. Work will be carried out on the technology for processing the fraction extracted into valuable products for the food and plastics industry. On a laboratory scale, research will be carried out related to the distribution and extraction of sugars and their further use.
Project implementation period:
2019 – 2022
The total value of the project:
14 771 125 PLN
Project co-financing from the European Regional Development
9 297 450 PLN
Project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020. Project is implemented as part of the National Center for Research and Development competition: Sub-measure 1.1.1 of the OP IR “Industrial research and development work carried out by enterprises” (competition 2 / 1.1.1 / 2019 – Fast Track).