BIOAGRA SA is one of the largest employers in the Nysa region
BIOAGRA SA was founded in 2004. Currently, it is the largest producer of bioethanol and ethanol produced from corn grain in Poland. The company’s production plant, which is located near Nysa, is one of the largest employers in the region. Nearly 150 people work there. A much larger number of people find jobs in the company’s economic environment, including in the services and storage sector, transport and agriculture.
The company cooperates with nearly 1,400 farmers and agricultural companies from all over the country. As many as 700 of them come from the Opolskie Voivodeship and satisfy nearly 40% of company’s demand for corn grain. The company guarantees farmers that it will accept the entire contracted batch of raw material, regardless of market conditions in a given season.
BIOAGRA SA produces three basic products from corn: ethanol, feed (DDGS) – distillation dried grains with solubles, wet corn cake, feed syrup and crude corn oil. Ethanol, the company’s main product, is produced in dehydrated form in fuel and PCK quality, as well as in technical and food quality, in the form of agricultural distillate and other types of ethanol.
Ethanol production is carried out in accordance with the standards of the INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and the ISCC-EU sustainable development standard. The company is based on the license of KATZEN International Inc. (USA). This is one of the most innovative technologies in the world, which is characterized by high efficiency and relatively low energy consumption. It is based on one of the most common processes occurring in nature, which does not burden the environment with waste, i.e. fermentation. The ethanol production plant belonging to BIOAGRA SA uses this pro-ecological technology as the only one in the country.
Business partners of BIOAGRA SA are well-known fuel, pharmaceutical and chemical concerns as well as companies from the food and agricultural industries.
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AKTUALNOŚCI | 24.12.2018
10 story Mr. Corn
Bioagra has launched probably the largest Christmas illumination in the region.