Category: main news
Waste-free ethanol production licensed from the American company KATZEN International, Inc.
Waste-free ethanol production licensed from the American company KATZEN International, Inc.
Production of ethanol at the “Goświnowice” Ethanol Plant takes place in accordance with the standards of the INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and the ISCC-EU sustainable development standard. The process is based on the license of KATZEN International Inc. (USA). This is one of the most innovative technologies in the world, which is characterized by high efficiency and relatively low energy consumption. It is based on one of the most common processes occurring in nature, which does not burden the environment with waste, i.e. fermentation. The ethanol plant belonging to BIOAGRA SA uses this pro-ecological technology as the only one in the country.
KATZEN International, Inc. is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. As a supplier of leading technologies on a global scale, design and engineering services for many branches of the chemical industry and related processes, it focuses on continuous improvement, development and use of biofuels and bioethanol.
The company prides itself on experienced staff, innovative scientists and constructors, engineers specializing in chemistry and mechanics. The KATZEN team is committed to providing proven projects based on documented results obtained during over 60 years of gathering experience and innovation in technology and extensive research and development. The devices designed by KATZEN are tailored to the specific requirements of each client and are recognized as efficient in production, reliable and durable.
The technology developed by KATZEN has enabled the use of efficient, energy-saving and low-carbon technological processes in more than 140 completed projects related to ethanol and biofuels in 35 countries. Plants based on KATZEN technology are highly automated, integrated and usually work over 350 days a year. Many processes are designed to use a variety of natural resources, including corn, wheat, barley, cassava, potatoes and more.
Inne aktualności

AKTUALNOŚCI | 24.12.2018
10 story Mr. Corn
Bioagra has launched probably the largest Christmas illumination in the region.