PLN 100 000 from Bioagra for affected primary schools in Nysa
The flood-affected primary schools No. 1, 5 and 10 in Nysa have been financially supported by Bioagra with a donation in the total amount of PLN 100 000. The support is intended to help facilities return to normal functioning more quickly.
Among others, the shooting range and the IT workshop drifted away.
– During the flood, the basements and sub-basements where the workshops were located were destroyed – including the technical and dance workshops, as well as our new school shooting range and IT workshop – said Anna Michoń, principal of Jan Henryk Dąbrowski’s Primary School No. 10 in Nysa.
We feel the most sorry for the conservator’s workshop, because that’s where the tools that the employees used for repairs and renovations were stored – explains the school’s principal. Storage for benches, chairs and cleaning products, which were also flooded, were too located in the basement.
Only furniture with metal legs remained
“Number five” also suffered serious damage during the flood.
– The entire basement was flooded, along with the changing rooms and the new technical lab, built as part of the Laboratory of the Future project – says Eulalia Woźniak, principal of Marshal Józef Piłsudski’s Primary School No. 5 in Nysa. – On the ground floor, the water was 60 cm deep – we had to throw away all the furniture except for those with metal legs.
School officials note that Bioagra also helped pump water out of the school and clean the playing field. A team from the company and the provided specialist equipment worked on site for several days.
The entire lowest floor was destroyed
We lost the entire lowest floor during the flood: kitchen, dining room, changing rooms, gym and storage rooms – Bożena Węglarz, principal of the Knights of the Order of the Smile’s Primary School No. 1 in Nysa. – We stored sports equipment in the gym, which was lost along with other things, adds the school principal.
Our priority is to rebuild the catering team, as 480 children benefited from the meals.
Bioagra supports the local community
From the very beginning of the flood crisis, Bioagra has been involved in various activities supporting the local community. Starting from saving the flood embankments on the Nysa Kłodzka, through their ongoing repair on the Biała Głuchołaska River, to equipping the NEC with a special agent that accelerated the launch of heating nodes in the city.
As part of its support for the education sector, Bioagra also provided schools and kindergartens with surface and hand disinfectants, which allowed for safer work when cleaning flooded rooms.
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AKTUALNOŚCI | 24.12.2018
10 story Mr. Corn
Bioagra has launched probably the largest Christmas illumination in the region.